Monday, June 11, 2012

This is the recent Prezi created by me for the June iPad Fest on the 18th of June 2012.

Prezi's wonderful for putting emphasis on important points. 

Seeing is believing so see for yourself!

So, now you have seen how a Prezi looks like, you can learn it up and create engaging Prezis for your lessons!

Here're the graduates from a Workshop on Prezi conducted by me. 

You can view the Prezi they created by clicking on the link in the Prezi itself.  Enjoy!

Ever heard of PREZI

It's Prezi! Not Pretzel! 

It's considered a cool 21st Century presentation software that engages students.

It is used to show emphasis on certain concepts or issues or ideas.

Here's one example of a Prezi created by me.